A thought I had as to what to name my blogs, would be the highlight of my learning today. As you can see, today's title is the learning model. This is what BYU Idaho has chosen to teach and learn by. There are three steps in this model. First we must prepare. Then teach one another.. then ponder and prove. Incorporated into the learning model are five principles. I thought about typing them up, however today in my study skills class we summed them up into one main point. The main idea of the principles is that we must be ready to learn, have the obedience and the righteous character so others can learn from us, and the patience to ponder and retain the things we are taught each day.
Over the past few days they have been drilling the idea of this learning model. It is still new to me and still hard to understand. However, today it hit me. Principle number four states: Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho act for themselves and accept responsibility for learning AND teaching. In all of my classes the teachers really focus on the learning aspect. For those of us who interact with anyone throughout the day, we must not only learn from the people around us, but we also have to be able to teach them things as well. This applies to the students in a way that we must be on top of our homework. We must focus on the idea that we are going to go to class, and then try and teach those around us. Something that is said to us often the past few days; " if you can not teach it to your peers, you do not know it." Now to relate this to those who are going to read this and are not students. If you are at work, you should try to be able to do everything that is asked of you, be able to show other people tricks you have learned. Also be ready to learn from your co-workers, friends, etc. Life is all about learning. We should strive everyday to learn something new. Retain it as well. Write it down, blog about it, talk about it.
Today I also had science and trig. Science is just science. Learning more about the universe and all that stuff well, gets old. But, hopefully with one of these postings I will be able to write about the highlights of that class and something that I really enjoyed. Trig, on the other hand, we are doing algebra review. It really reminds me of my freshmen year in high school. That entire year of algebra was review from seventh grade. I ended up just helping other students in the class and pretty much getting an A. Today lots of people around me were having a hard time. I really had a lot of fun being able to teach them the correct way to solve problems and being able to help them learn. My dad used to always force me to do service. I hated it back in the day. But now every time I have the opportunity to share what I am good at or help those around me that need it, I always come out of it feeling better about myself and glad I was able to help someone out. Yes it can really take some humbling to do some service. But sometimes it is easy and rewarding.
This afternoon, for the first time in.... who knows how long, I decided to go online and read some of the church magazine articles. So far I have read two. One talks about the learning model that I have previously wrote about. The other is titled "Hold on a little longer". Even though this talks about faith and enduring through rough times, since reading it a hour ago I have thought about my past and how I did not hold on to things that I started. To name a few; 8th grade basketball, high school soccer, high school volleyball, and even some jobs. There are many lessons we can learn from quitting. However, if we just hold on a little longer, we might just get through those tough times, and then the hard things will be past us and not only will be happier and enjoying the fact we are still doing what we set out to do, but we will also know that we didn't quit. We pushed though the tough times and now we are seeing the benefits of that.
Also I have once again listened to the talk that I heard on Tuesday. I have decided for those who would like to read or listen to things in which I write about I will work on links and what not for you to access them. Here are todays links... If this works.. copy and paste these
Are Ye Stripped of Pride?
there is not a big list yet... should be easy to find
Hold on a Little Longer
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