Sunday, February 21, 2010

HE's BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah.. I know. I am a slacker when it comes to this thing. But, the important thing is hear I am ready to go for the rest of the semester. People have been bugging me for a while now to get back into this thing. I am intimidated myself by writing such good blogs at first. I don't think I can write things that good everyday like I was. You tend to run out of those good ideas eventually. Now I am here and Ill be posting 4 times a week at least. That is my new goal.

I guess some people might be wondering what I have been up to. The only things to highlight I guess over the past few weeks that is different then what has been going on is two trips to california and POND SKIMMING!!! Details to come later on those.

Over the past few weeks I admit I came off that high of a new place. I kinda got down on myself, got a little behind in school, and now going up again. I think everyone can understand that you can just go up and hit a high and stay there.. You got to come down and then go back up to where you can stay. I feel like I am learning my comfortable spot here more and more everyday.

The thought of the day I guess would be talking about opportunities. I know without a doubt I have missed out on some great opportunities in life. A talk I listed to last week as well as listening to again right now talks about not missing things that have been put in front of you. This could be anything. And missing that opportunity cause you were slacking off, not ready, or think its stupid, can really hurt you. I can remember last year when I was selected to be a counselor for the youth of my church. Many friends and peers where shocked in a way when thought about comparing me to the other people that were selected to do that job.

Many people including one of my ex bosses were very disappointed in decisions that I made in 2009. I feel like the decisions that I did end up making (some of them I guess) are some of the best decisions that I have ever made. I had the opportunity to be a counselor, one thing I hardly ever talked about but in my heart was a long term goal since i was a participant and EFY. The way that my counselor Dj influenced and touched me back when I was 16 was incomparable to others who I was around everyday. I dont know about you, but my personality gets bored of repeats and the same thing over and over. So that might be why one week with DJ I will never forget or I also believe it was because of the example he set that week. The idea that he showed us of having fun and relaxed influenced how I treated my kids this past summer at EFY.

Over the past few months I have had kids that I had at EFY thank me and beg me to be a counselor again this summer, as well as tell me stories of how I helped them become better. I do not have the opportunity to since I am not in school. Looking back at that decision to quit a job, go back to my old one, so that I could be a counselor is why I am telling all of this to you. If I had not gone to EFY this past year, who knows where I would be today. While a counselor at efy I was able to talk to kids and see how much they wanted to change their life from where they are at not. It made me take a look at my life and think about what I know I should be doing. I can still remember the feeling I had while reading a book called "Achieving your Life Mission." That night I knew that I had to get to BYU Idaho. Long story short, here I am.

Well I guess in other news of me wanting to change my life and be better. I am slowly but surely in the process of getting out of debt. This does include selling my truck. Yes, I am actually selling it. It's going to be hard to sell it, but once I do I am going to be happier being out of debt and not having that payment. All the things I am doing while up here, I am doing to improve my life. There are many things holding us all back. Take a look at whats holding you back and if you can, get away from it. There was a few things holding me back while living in So. Cal. I cant tell you in words that happiness I feel being here where I am around positive people. Not really anybody trying to bring me down. Having this opportunity and taking advantage of it was a very hard but huge step for me.

Many of the things I have talked about, although very scrambled and random, are opportunities that I have taken advantage of. The list of missed opportunities is just too long. I look forward to improving my life more. I have finally started using the opportunities I have to study( as I slacked in at first) I challenge you all to look at what you do. Think about what lies in front of you. Dont miss out on those opportunities that are our in front of you. I guess when it comes down to it, we just need to be ready to improve what is in us. Mistakes in the past, Mistakes in the future, arent important as long as we learn from them and learn to not make the sames one again. I have missed out on lots of opportunities in the past and I hope to not do the same anymore.

A quote that I really enjoy...... "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies with in us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson..